Got IIIT Website Redesign Project

Hi all!

This is Kulbir Saini, back with a bang. Here is another success story. I am pleased to inform you all that we, a team of three UG3 students ( Kulbir Saini, M Bhargava, Vamshi) have been selected for IIIT Website Redesign Project. And the good thing is that its neither a summer project, nor a semester project for a few credits. Its business. On may 1st, we presented our templates and a working prototype of the new IIIT website to the concerned committee ( which consists of people from administration) along with five other companies (I don’t have details and its not even good to mention them). And finally our team has been selected for redesigning the entire website along with websites for all the research centers. Our team is basically a kind of venture with me as a technical partner and Bhargava and Vamshi as design partners. Believe me these guyz are awesome designers. They design things as if they are made for designing them. Mind blowing.


Kulbir Saini aka General Bordeaux πŸ™‚



Sometimes it happens that you get too much used to unusual things that even usual things looks madness to you. I always loved to work at night and found it much more productive as compared to working in day-time. But this crossed limits with the beginning of the 6th semester. I selected all the courses with the intention that none of them should have a class in the forenoon ( the earliest class I had was at 3:00PM πŸ˜› ). The obvious outcome, I never slept at night and night out became as usual as a day for others. For months, I followed the same routine. I didn’t face any problems with the schedule except exam days etc. My biological clocks got synchronized to GMT+1000.

Everything was going fine until recently. I had these meetings with people in the administration who for some reasons are not used to work at night. And those meetings really destroyed my routines. Since a week or so I am feeling totally helpless. I sleep throughout the night and wake up around 8AM. And for the rest of the day, I just look at my computer screen searching for something to work on. I pick up some task and it leads nowhere due to lack of concentration.

As I am a self employed man and need not answer anyone, I have decided to chill out for a week or so. I’ll not work on anything related to hardcore computing and will NOT code even a single line. For time pass, I’ll watch movies and read Paul Graham’s essays. Those essays are a very good method to utilize your free time. Chill out!!!


Accepted for Google Summer of Code

Hi all!

This is my second post of the day but I can’t resit my to write it. I will just say that I am “Accepted For Google Summer of Code”. No its not something propritiery, its “Open Source”. Google Summer of Code is a program sponsored by Google where students write code for Open Source Organizations and Google funds them for the summer.To know more about GSOC, go here.

I submitted my proposal on IntelligentMirror which will be a package for Yum Local Repository Management to Fedora Project. You can browse the breif details of my project here, and for detailed proposal, go here. Seth Vidal, who originally developed Yum, will be mentoring me throughout the project. It will be a wonderful and exciting experience to work with Yum developers.


Kulbir Saini aKa General Bordeaux πŸ˜€


Task List this summer

Though almost 25% of vacations are already gone, I thought of writing down my task list this summer. Maybe somebody out there have any suggestions.

  1. Squid Documentation/TutorialsΒ  – Status : DONE
  2. IPTables Tutorial – Status : In progress.
  3. Firewall And Proxy Server Tutorial – Status : Todo
  4. Policy Routing with Linux – Status : Todo
  5. IPRoute2 Howto – Status : Todo
  6. Linux Advanced Routing and Traffic Control Howto – Status : Todo
  7. IntelligentMirror Development – Status : In progress.

Though I didn’t opt for a project or btp in networks, I am trying to focus on real life networking which I can use to make my life easier with the damn wireless. Like learning squid was a wonderful experience and now I get 25% of the stuff I browse from my own cache πŸ™‚

Happy Summer Vacations,

Bordeaux πŸ˜€


Gmail Bug

I was observing this since a week now, so thought of posting about it πŸ™‚

Software: Gmail Beta

Bug Description:

Mail which is deleted forever re-appears in the spam folder in Gmail.

How to reproduce:

VeryΒ  easy. Keep your Gmail spam folder open in a window. Wait for a spam to arrive or send a spam mail from your another email account to your Gmail account. Let Gmail show automatically that there is a mail in Spam folder. Don’t click on Spam in Index. Now click “Delete all spam messages now” and then click Ok when it says that the messages will be deleted forever. After you click Ok, the page will reload and the *SAME* mail will be there πŸ™‚


If you think I have gone mad and talking in air. Here is a *video* proof πŸ˜› Checkout the timestamp for the mail and the running clock in the top right corner.

Download above video in High Resolution


Funny Orkut Bug

Everybody was so happy with the new orkut design that it was looking like Google is really on the way to knock out all other social networking sites. But this new design brought some crap with it. The homepage notifications which included daily updates on profile, photo, video updates from friends was really irritating. It turned out to be very annoying for a lot of people to see all that info on you orkut home-page.

Though orkut provided an option to hide updates from your friends. But it never worked out and even after updating the option many times, I couldn’t manage ( or I should say orkut couldn’t manage) to hide updates from my friends.

Today, I just got crazy and set the option to show updates and what I saw when I returned to that page was surprising. OMGWTF, there are not updates from my friends. And even if they are there they are not shown at all. This is really funny when you want to see something you are not allowed to and when you kick something outa your home-page, it is enforced on you πŸ™‚

So, if you wanna hide updates from your friends, checkout show updates and have fun.

Here the pic proof …

Funny Orkut Bug - Kulbir Saini, general bordeaux

PS : Coming soon, a post on social entrepreneurship and mgmt class.


Golden opportunity for lovers ! Dont miss it …

Hey guyz there is something very attractive for those who are in love. Nowadays our students server is flooded with these loving spam mails. Some are from faculty ids with subjects which I dont want to mention. πŸ™ I dont know why, but this guy srinivas is very famous, there are almost 20 mails from his id with subjects like “see you tonight!”, “fwd:love” ,”will you be my valentine ?” but beleive me reading these mails is fun in itself. They contain awesome heart touching love poems. I am making an archinve of those spam mails on my gmail account as a remeberence of our greatest sysadmin we can ever have.

Spam At IIIT Hyderabad - Kulbir Saini, general bordeaux

OK, in the mean time if you want to propose someone, its a golden oppertunity for you. Just send a mail proposing him/her from your students account. You can either announce your love, by sending it to the whole mailing list on which he/she is subscribed. Others will consider it a spam, and you will end up proposing him/her.

PS: If you have any other idea let us know…


My Geek Code Block …

Version: 3.1
GCS>/E/M d? s:>+:+ a19 C++++ UL++>++++ P+>++++ L+++>++++
E—>+++ W++ N+ !o K- w>– O– !M V- PS PE Y–
PGP—>+ !t !5 X R tv- b+ DI- D+ G++ e>++ h r- y–

I found this geek code block very instersting. Making a geek code block is a real fun of almost one hour. You can also make one for you. check it out here


My Nerd Score …

I am nerdier than 94% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

I took this test from . I was asked questions from science that I forgot a long time back after giving the competitive xams for the engg. entrance. i cant believe that i was given this score. neway it was a good test .