My first interview for a job!

After failing few (will be disclosed later) written tests in a row, I got a call for an interview. I was pretty surprised as I never expected it to happen. Initially I was nervous because I don’t know c/c++/data structures/algorithms. All I know is Python, Computer Networks, a few Open Source technologies and how to use them to generate cash. Well, after waiting for four hours, I got a chance to meet the interviewers (two). I was nervous as it was my first interview. They asked me for the resume. Below is the conversation.

  1. Interview #1
  2. Interview #2

Note : Almost everything below is true and few sentences have been added to make it humorous.

  1. A : Interviewer 1
  2. B : Interviewer 2
  3. K : Me.

Interview #1

A : Tell us about yourself.

K : (I never expected this as its the most difficult question of all.) I am a simple guy interested in open source (Throwing random sentences). I believe in on the spot implementing/coding my ideas. Whenever I get a new idea I just code it without spending too much time on thinking about it.

A : What if you face some problem with your idea later?

K : (Suddenly Shiben’s this post popped up in my mind.) I try to fix it and if it doesn’t work in few tries, I just throw the code and recode it (Thanks Shiben for writing that wonderful post).

A : So you don’t do any research before implementing the idea. Do you like research?

K : Not really. A bit. (Lying) I don’t like research. It means a lot of time.

A : So, you participated in Google Summer of Code. What is this?

K : Its a Google funded project in which Google invites applications from several open source organizations and select almost 120+ organizations. Then candidates from all over the world proposes their ideas or picks up projects from organizations’ ideas.

B : You proposed your own idea?

K : Yes.

A : What was it?

K : IntelligentMirror. An intelligent caching system which caches RPM/DEB packages from several mirrors on the basis of package name and not the domain name or protocol. Its a squid plugin.

A : Tell us about this Intranet Chat Service (another project).

K : (Told everything I knew about it).

B : Tell us something about squid.

K : Squid is an open source proxy server used to hide thousands of machines behind a single public IP or to control what users browse in a shared network environment.

A : What is public IP?

K : (Answered)

B : What is difference between public and private IP?

K : (WTF?? I am not a kid. Answered.)

A : How do you hide a thousands of machine behind a single public IP?

K : NATing.

B : (Thinking that I just know fancy terms) What is NATing?

K : (Requesting a paper) Explained every single packet level details of NATing by drawing nice diagrams. (Interviewer tried to confuse at several stages but in vain).

A : (Feeling helpless, whispers to B) Lets ask standard questions 😉

K : (WTF??? Feeling doomed 😛 )

B : What is polymorphism?

K : (Abusing the interviewer at heart) It is some fu**ed up idea using which we can do few things which often confuse me and sometimes confuse the even compiler.

A : (Passing a sheet of paper to me) Write an example of polymorphism?

K : Wrote a function
int function(float a);
int function(char a);

B : Can I change return type of second declaration?

K : (Feeling awesomely confident 😀 ) No.

A : If I change char to double in second function will there be a compiler error?

K : Sorry sir. I am confused.

B : Define a class String and few functions on array of characters?

K : Wrote a class somehow with a few functions.

A : Write the copy constructor?

K : (You are torturing me. Don’t push it too much) Somehow managed to write a fu**ed up copy constructor
String(String & str) {
string = str;
(I know its wrong. Don’t point out.)

B : Why did you write this (the C++ this)?

K : To reference the member variable of current instance of the class.

A : You never declared it. How can you use it?

K : Its provided by C++. You know I used char, int also. (Dumb ass!!)

A : Ok. (Looking at my resume) You have interest in blogging.

K : (Feeling a bit relaxed) YES!!! I have three blogs. One technical, one about life and I bought a digikam a few months back and started a photoblog as well.

B : (Laughing) Interesting!!!

A : Why do you have some many blogs?

K : Because I love buying domains. Then I need to put up something on those domains. So, I write blogs 🙂

B : How many domains do you have?

K : Around 15.

A : Where do you host these??

K : I have my own VPS hosted in US.

B : How much does it cost?

K : $50/month.

A & B : (Looking at me as if I kicked them in balls) WTF!!!! Where do you get all this money???????????

K : [snip] secret 😀

A : Thank you. I think we have asked enough questions.

K : Thank you!

I left the room. After that I returned to OBH (Hostel). I was not hoping that they’ll call me again for another interview. But I did wait for the call till 9:30PM. After that I went to bed. I was about to fell asleep that Kapil Bajaj called and asked me to report in Main Building. I was sure that this will be either a light round in case they are sure to count me in or it’ll be a revenge round in which they’ll ask questions about things I don’t know.

Interview #2

I entered the room and the interviewers were different this time. A bit more nervous then the last time.

  1. C : Interviewer 3
  2. D : Interviewer 4

I grabbed the chair. C picked up a sheet of paper and started writing on it as if he is a BIG BOSS.

C : (Writing an expression on the paper) Remove the extra brackets from the expression.

K : (Understanding that its a revenge. You employ people for software development or removing the brackets from an expression????) Having no clue of the solution to the problem tried writing something on the paper. (An image of “Ajay Somani” teaching removing redundant braces from an expression flashes in my mind. And I was like WOW!!). I gave the solution (I know there are two terms infix and postfix, but don’t have a clue about which one is infix :P) that we’ll start putting things in a stack and will throw away the opening and closing braces which doesn’t have a symbol or character in between them. And will pop them out to get an expression without extra braces. (What a guess?? 😀 and it worked).

D : Can you optimize it?

K : (baah!! I somehow managed to do it. Now what???) Having no clue about optimizing the above, I started throwing some random ideas. Devised one idea and showed to C but he caught it and proved me wrong. Took some more time and devised one more funny idea.
Expression : (((P+Q))*R)
Solution : We have two variable i and j with I pointing to first element and j pointing to last element. We enter a loop and start decreasing j and increasing i. When we see opening braces at expr[i] and expr[j], we throw them. And when there is no braces at either expr[i] or expr[j] or both we continue and jump over symbol and characters. While I explained the idea, it somehow worked for the expression. I badly confused the interviewer with my invention 😛 He was like WTF!!! How can this piece of crap work?? I was about to laugh. I enjoyed the moment. It was one of the best moments of the day. He spent almost 2-3 minutes figuring out my newly invented algorithm and finally managed to prove it wrong.

D : See, this doesn’t work.

K : (Thinking, “Why are you telling me?? I know it doesn’t work 😛 “) I am sorry sir 🙂 (Controlling my laughter).

C : (Writing two numbers on the paper) This number ( character array 4568123) is rotated around some number and the original number is (character array 1234568). How would you get the original number from the rotated one?

K : (Having no clue about the domain of the problem) Thinking of swapping numbers here and there. Tried every possible combination but nothing seemed to work. What happened to my pool of ideas 😛 (An image of “Kapil Bajaj” teaching inorder, preorder, postorder traversal flashes in my mind. Kewl!! I don’t have a clue about trees and whatsoever things related to those creatures). Now the big task is to make a tree out of the character array. (While I was telling these to Sachin Goyal. He suggested that plant the first character and water it until it becomes a tree 😀 ) I drew the array in some random orders on the paper and made a tree of some sort with 4 as root and 568 on the left subtree and 123 on the right subtree. (Now, all those organic structures like methane, ethane started crawling in my mind. I somehow remembered the rotation thingy). I rotated the fu**ing thing around 4 and it worked. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world. What a confidence I had at that time. I described the process to the interviewer as if solving tree problems is the easiest of all the problems.

C : What is order of problem?

K : (No clue about the problem itself. How do I know its order? ) Kept quite for sometime and kept myself busy with the problem itself ( I was so happy that I couldn’t get my eyes off the tree structure).

C : (Asking again) What is order of the problem?

K : (Thought about it for sometime) log(n). As the integers are in sorted order. Interviewer looked a bit convinced.

C : (Traping me) How will you make a tree out of that character array?

K : (OMG!! Not again! Tried to explain the impossible.) We’ll take the first character as root. Now we’ll build left subtree. We’ll go on putting the integers in the left subtree as long as they are in same order. In that way the order will break at 8 and after that we’ll start building right subtree (This somehow seemed to work).

C : (Totally frustrated by my guesses which were eventually working) Is this a BST?

K : (The only thing I know about a BST is that it is Binary Search Tree) Yes. (Confident as if I am the one who invented BST 😛 )

C : (Trying to trap me further) Wrote two string “ABCDE” and “CDEAB” and asked to write a function to detect if they are rotated version of each other or not?

K : (Thinking that these are not integers and my awesome ideas are not going to work here 😀 ) We’ll somehow make a tree of a string, then traverse it (Leaving the traversal type for interviewer. I said only traverse it, because I don’t have any idea about how do we traverse a tree in inorder, preorder or postorder. So didn’t want to invite more problems). And then we’ll compare the result.

C : Ok. Thank you. Lets go.

And that was it. My adventurous innovations about trees stopped there 😀

All in all it was total fun being interviewed. I enjoyed every single moment of both the interviews.

PS : I am not correcting any grammatical, spelling mistakes.


My new Sony Cybershot DSC W110 Digital Camera

Finally after a long wait, I bought this Sony Cybershot DSC W110 Digicam from Hyderabad Central yesterday. Actually Deepak came to my room and said there is huge offers on Digicams in Hyderabad Central. I didn’t think twice and me, Pankaj, Bansi and Deepak headed to Central. But we found that there were no offers on Sony. But I had already decided to buy this model. So who cares for the offer. After a few minutes of bargaining ( i suck at bargaining ), I bought it for Rs. 9600 ($210).BTW I bought it from Third I Digital shop.

Features : 7.2 Megapixels, 4x Optical Zoom, High Sensitivity ISO3200, 2.5″ LCD Display, Face Detection, Smile Shutter, Full HD.

Accessories : Camera + 1GB Memory Card + Battery Charger + Battery + USB, Audio/Video Cable.

Gift : The shop keeper offered a scratch card with the camera. And I won three days and two nights holiday anywhere in India 😀 Nice.. aint it 🙂

We clicked some shots in Central. Here are few.

Kulbir Saini and Nitin Bansal

Left to right : Kulbir Saini, Nitin Bansal

Deepak Vig

Deepak Vig

Pankaj Saini

Pankaj Saini

Then We headed to my favorite destination in Hyderabad, City Center. We had burgers as usual. Pankaj did some shopping while we “ogled” at few “good looking” girls. We moved to crossword (a boook shop in City Center). We decided to leave for home. As we came out of Crossword, there were some dandia performance by some group. We captured some shots there as well.

Dandia Performace

Nitin, Kulbir, Deepak

Left to right : Nitin Bansal (Welcome to Sajjanpur wala Bansi :P), Kulbir Saini, Deepak Vig

Few more shots and we headed back to the divine place .. IIIT Hyderabad 🙂

Deepak Vig, Pankaj Saini

We forced Pankaj to go for Dandia but unfortunately he couldn’t find a funti as only couples were allowed 😛

A big thanks to all the people who provided their views and helped me to by this cam 🙂

PS : Thanks to Google for all the dollars.


Exams are here

The first mid sem exams has already started. I have only two mid sems this time. Looking at the blogroll one can easily guess IIITians have finally got something to do. The oldest post on front page is 3 days old. Preparing for exams is a good thing but final year students don’t have enough of them. So where are these guyz???

This time I am bit nervous about mid sems. Feeling like I never took a test and this will be the first time experience 🙁 BTW I have got a major break through in my quest for caching the internet. Will share it soon. It’ll improve the caching efficiency of my GSOC project IntelligentMirror by almost 300%. This caching thing is not permitting me to prepare for exams.

Hail open source!!!

PS : This was a total random post. Wrote is just like that 😐


Passed GSoC

I have passed my final evaluations for my Google Summer of Code’08 project IntelligentMirror. It was fun and excitement developing the squid plugin. The best thing was I didn’t have to move to a different place or go office for working. Work at home, do what you always wanted to do (open source stuff), talk with people with similar interests(fedora people), get nice payments and have your first project released in open source domain 🙂 That was GSoC.

Another post coming up with detailed GSoC experience 🙂

Have fun,

General Bordeaux 😀


Bangalore Trip

I got a chance to visit Bangalore last month. Actually Google announced a small meetup for all the GSoC students from India at its Bangalore office on July 28th. As I was returning to IIIT on July 25th, I thought of joining others in Bangalore on my way back. Canceled my reservation (Delhi -> Hyderabad) and re-booked a ticket for Bangalore and back to Hyderabad.

We (Me, Sumit Kataria, Gurpartap Singh) boarded the train from Delhi on July 26th. I knew the other guyz only via IRC but never met them before. They are GSoC students working for Drupal. The journey was fine but a bit of bad luck that Rajdhani was late by two hours. We reached Google office late (by 1 hour). But we didn’t really miss anything because there was a presentation about what Google is and why it is THE GOOGLE. As we didn’t have any breakfast in hurry, we had some snacks at Google. After that there was another presentation by one of the project managers (i forgot the name) about the working style and team structure at Google and how they manage to pull huge projects with small teams. He talked about how projects evolve at Google and some blah blah which I don’t remember.

After than one hour presentation, another break. Time for lunch 😀 As obvious food at Google was just awesome. Then started the real session where students were asked to give a brief overview of the projects they were working on. Few projects were real tough and few others were really creative ideas. I too gave an overview of my project. Google Open Source T-shirts and GSoC stickers were distributed. Then the host took us around the technical wings of Google Bangalore. It was an amazing experience. I was blown by the hardware I saw. The huge LCD monitors in dual display configuration were eye catching.  We left the Google campus at around 5PM.

We headed over to MG road, one of the most famous places in Bangalore. We had real good time over there. After having dinner in McD we returned home. The next day we planned to visit Iskon temple. But it was a complete FAIL as the temple was closed. We got lost and couldn’t find a place to have lunch. After a lot of efforts, we landed at the central bus terminal. Had dossa there and left for home. Traffic is just awesome in Bangalore. It took us around 2.5 hours to get back. The journey was frustrating and we were tired enough to get anywhere. Yet we left for the MG Road again. We enjoyed a lot. Did some shopping too.

The next day I headed back to Hyderabad. All in all Bangalore is way techie as compared to Hyderabad. Hyderabad is still in its nascent stages of development. Only negative factor I saw in Bangalore is terrific traffic.

kulbir saini @ google bangalore

Me presenting my project @ Google Bangalore

Gurpartap @ Google Bangalore

Gurpartap presenting his project @ Google Bangalore

Macbook Air @ iStore

MacBookAir @ iStore

Strange buses found only in bangalore

Strange bus I saw for the very first time 😀


Freaking 50 hours

All this started after returning from dinner at around 8:00PM on August 19.

August 19 – 08:30PM – 10:30PM : Slept.

I woke up at 10:30PM and started browsing random stuff. Gave a finishing touch to GSoC project – IntelligentMirror and announced the release for testing.

August 19 – 10:30PM – 12:30PM : Browsing + Blogging + Browsing.

After that its time for some refreshments.

August 20 – 12:30PM – 02:00AM : Snacks + Toasts.

Then started the same old thing. Browsing. Why the heck we have to browse all the stuff in this world which has no meaning 😐 Also, I had to prepare for my presentation about SMTP protocol in Topics of Information Security class. So, downloaded all the RFCs (thats what we do all the time. download all the academic stuff and feel good about it. Who has time to open and read them 😛 ). Read a bit of stuff from the RFCs.

August 20 – 02:00AM – 07:00AM : Browsing + Reading RFCs + Browsing.

If you are up till 7AM, breakfast is worth a try. Had a breakfast which was good eventually.

August 20 – 07:30AM – 08:00AM : Breakfast.

After that, I though I would go to bed and will sleep for sometime. But then Internet is a real devil which will not let you sleep. Started browsing again and checking everyone’s status message. Reading blogs and some more blah blah. For god sake, don’t put links like this in your status messages.

August 20 – 08:30AM – 12:30PM : Browsing + Fantastic Contraption + Browsing

If you are up till 12:30PM, its good to have lunch before you go to bed 😀

August 20 – 12:30PM – 01:30PM : Lunch.

After lunch, I was desperate to sleep. But then I had this class called “Music Appreciation” at 5PM. I was afraid of losing an attendance and didn’t sleep. I read RFCs in the meantime. No browsing this time 😀

August 20 – 02:00PM – 04:30PM : Reading RFCs. No bc.

At around 4:45PM we rushed to coffee shop and then to class. After reaching the class, we realized that prof will not turn up and class stands canceled.

August 20 – 04:30PM – 05:20PM : Coffee shop + Class.

While returning from class, I just wanted to visit server room to see whats going on (actually the network was fluctuating really badly and just wanted to know what exactly is going on. I am a student sysadmin, so kinda concerned about these issues). But I came to know, some serious problem has occurred due to real heavy broadcast from few research labs. Sysadmins were zeroing on the problem. I suddenly forgot about sleeping and all. There may not be a better opportunity to learn how to configure a switch and how to debug a network problem. I was lost somewhere in the switches and servers and I realized it was 7:00 by the time admins sorted out the problem.

August 20 – 05:30PM – 07:00PM : Server room (real good experience. Learnt a bit about how to configure switches 😀 )

By the time, I left server room it was almost 7:30PM. So just rushed to Yuktahaar to have food. Had some good food. Yuktahaar is probably the only mess in the campus where you can actually eat something.

August 20 – 07:30PM – 08:00PM : Dinner.

As I had to give the presentation on SMTP the next morning, thought of reading some more stuff quickly. Read up to 9:00PM. At this time, I was *REAL* desperate to go to bed. But at about 9:19PM, Himank called up and told about bloggers meet. I was like WTF. Well I wanted to attend the meeting and rushed to main building. Meeting went upto 10:30PM. The meeting was real fun and it was a good experience to meet all the bloggers from my batch. We decided few things to promote blogging in IIIT. Find the details in the link in next line.

August 20 – 08:30PM – 10:30PM : Reading RFCs + Bloggers Meet.

After returning from the meeting, I though of finishing the RFCs and preparing the presentation. But RFCs was a lot more than I assumed, so reading went upto 1:30AM. Prepared the presentation.

August 20 – 10:30PM – 01:30AM : Reading RFCs + Preparing presentation.

I was about to sleep and suddenly Rishabh appeared and now there is something with proxy 🙁 We discussed about the proxy and other misconfigurations for almost 1 hour.

August 21 – 01:30AM – 02:30AM : Discussion about proxy.

I went to bed at 2:30AM. Felt a bit relaxed. But couldn’t sleep. Why?? I was feeling hungry 🙁 Get up at 2:45AM and rushed to Deepak’s room for having some snacks.

August 21 – 02:30AM – 03:00AM : Snacks + Toasts.

I was in my room at 3:00AM trying to analyze the situation. “If I go to bed now, I’ll not be able to wake up for 8:30AM class and the whole idea of preparing the presentation will be wasted. Should I sleep or not??” Went to bed but got up again in 15 minutes thinking that its impossible to wake up for the class(lack of confidence??). Browsed stuff for sometime and then had a look at the servers. And this time mailman was not working on the students server. Mails to students mailing list was not being delivered. Tried to debug that for almost 2 hours, but all in vain. Monitored servers for sometime and some more browsing. Please forgive me for sending all the test mails 🙂

August 21 – 03:00AM – 06:30AM : Mailman debugging + Server monitoring + Browsing.

By 6:30AM, I was like “I’ll die if I don’t sleep. But if I sleep, I’ll miss the class. WTF :(( “. I finally decided to sleep. But scheduled alarms at full volume on my computer. Scheduled high beat songs(shell scripting rocks 😀 ). And decided to sleep on the chair itself as its difficult to get out of bed.

August 21 – 06:30AM – 07:45AM : Sleeping (on chair 🙁 )

Woke up at 7:45AM and rushed to mess at around 8:00AM.

August 21 – 08:00AM – 08:20AM : Breakfast. OBH mess serves the worst breakfast you can have. They server chowmin in breakfast. I AM NOT KIDDING.

Now starts the actual hectic session. Continuous class upto 1:00PM. whoaaaa!!!!!

August 21 – 08:30AM – 10:00AM : Topics of Information Security Class.

August 21 – 10:00AM – 11:30AM : Systems and Network Security Class.

August 21 – 11:30AM – 01:00PM : Numerical Analysis. This class may be suicidal if you haven’t slept for almost 36hours. Caution next time.

Time for lunch.

August 21 – 01:00PM – 01:30PM : Lunch @ Yuktahaar.

I would have gone to room for sleeping now. But mailman is still not working and students are missing their mails 🙁 Went back to server room. Did ad-hoc management to bypass mailman for temporary mail delivery. Fixed few other things.

August 21 – 01:30PM – 03:30PM : Server room.

Now we had a Infrastructure team meeting at 3:30PM. Was good. Discussed about a lot of issues and how do we replace old infrastructure in a systematic manner.

August 21 – 03:30PM – 04:30PM : Infrastructure Team Meeting.

As its almost 5PM again, time for three hours long “Music Appreciation” class.

August 21 – 04:30PM – 07:00PM : Coffee shop + Music Appreciation class.

Enough is enough. I *MUST* sleep now. Returned to room quickly ignoring the dinner and went to bed thinking that I’ll sleep for at least 14-16 hours (normally I sleep for 12-14hours at a stretch). But who knew that its not possible. I wake up at 12:30.

August 21 – 07:30PM – 12:30AM : Sleeping (in bed 😛 )

Woke up at 12:30AM. And Internet is here again. Browsing. Browsing. Browsing. Browsing. Browsing. And blogging. BTW, a newer version of youtube cache is available now.

August 22 – 12:30AM – 01:30AM : Browsing + Blogging.

Was feeling real hungary. Rushed to Deepak’s room for snacks and toasts.

August 22 – 01:30AM – 02:30AM : Snacks + Toasts.

Browsing again. And I have been writing this god damn post since half an hour. Its almost 3:30AM now and I am thinking of going to bed again. Hopefully I’ll sleep well this time 😀

August 22 – 02:30AM – 03:30AM : Blogging.

Previous two days was really hectic. No? Well, I can’t really take more than that. I think my biological clocks are out of synch. Need a break.

PS1 : Change your status messages frequently. Don’t bore me.

PS2 : Need to blog more frequently. Have a lot of stuff to blog about. This sem is real happening.

PS3 : Have two courses on security this sem. Wish me luck 😀


Whats keeping me busy lately

Previous week was a bit more busier than I actually expected. I wonder why I have to attend a lot of meetings. There were 3-4 of them last week.

Constant complaints about wireless are killing and sometime frustrating. As rishabh pionted out “Become a sysAdmin at IIIT” as a never do thing. I don’t agree completely. But sometimes you get frustrated enough by the complaints and incompetence of your colleagues to say that. Keeping that apart, being a sysAdmin is real fun. You get to play with most critical servers at the place. You learn things that you will never learn in a course or project. (I wonder what we actually learn in a course 😛 One thing I can immediately point out is the attendence management.)

Apart from above, I have been working on IntelligentMirror, my GSOC project and its sister project Youtube Caching using squid. I have achieved 100% youtube caching without altering the refresh patterns in squid. That means your squid will not malfunction and will cache youtube videos successfully and in a browsable fashion 🙂 Going to release version 0.2 very soon. Working on caching Google and metacafe videos as well.

And last but not the least, sleep time has increased from 6-8 hrs to 12-16 hrs/day 😛

PS1 : This is the funniest post, I have ever seen. A must see for MS by research people 😛

PS2 : Also maruti has posted some nice crap 😛


Sudden affinity for conferences

I never liked to attend any conferences irrespective of the theme and goal of the conference for the past three years. But after attending two-three conferences in recent months and coming across new people with matching interests, I am suddenly looking forward to attend any open source/linux/entrepreneurship conference in hyderabad or nearby cities. BTW, are you planning to attend Eclipse Demo Camp 2008 – Ganymede Edition in Hyderabad on 25th June?


I am fedora’ed

Ever since I joined IIIT, I was getting closer and closer to Fedora. For almost the first two and a half years, I was a user and explorer (not the internet one 😛 ). I learnt to use and hack many things as I kept climbing up. Few months ago, I stepped up one more stair and started participating in development channels (mainly #yum).

Though I was not really developing anything, I was reading the source code and was constantly trying to break things. Whenever I happened break something successfully, I discussed it over the mailing list or irc and get it fixed. It was like a prerequisite to get started with the actual development.

Then my project was accepted for GSOC and I knew that this will really be a huge breakthrough to get started with actual development for open source. I was damn excited as I saw the time coming when I will give back to the open source community.

These days, I am feeling fedora in everything I do. Being a developer, you get surrounded by Fedora too much that you see Fedora everywhere. I use Fedora all the time. Whatever I code get pushed to Fedora Hosted. Whatever I write, again gets reflected at Planet Fedora. I am now addicted to reading blogs from Planet Fedora. They give you a nice place to host open source stuff, as in Fedora People 🙂 You get an email address [kulbirsaini AT fedoraproject DOT org] , which you can show off in your friend circle 😛 And thats all my routine these days.
