Its very easy to hop from one website to another with the help of a middle click while continuing with reading the current website especially when you have to follow the references. Browsing wikipedia is very easy when middle click work. But my mouse’s middle click is not working since last two weeks. I tried to open and check for any physical flaws but it didn’t help at all. I have a wireless mouse also which doesn’t work(i think because of power problems). I opened it to check if there the middle click logic is same and if there is some component which can be interchanged. But the middle click logic turned out to be really different.

Microsoft Wired and Wireless Mouse
So, here I am browsing web in a lot of miseries 😛

Browsing websites was never this miserable (have a close look)
missing the lappy now?? 😀 touch pad?? 😀
usually there’s a micro switch under the wheel which looks like the left and right micro switch, but since its is soldered to the PCB and there’s no wires… desi jugad doesn’t work there …. ! !
haha, that’s super geeky !
I too have mouse problem, my mouse gets clicked 2-3 times for evry left click I do!! 🙁
@Pankaj not really … you know something … you can’t perform a middle click using a touch pad… i might have felt like a handicapped if i had a laptop 😛
@@nks correct … desi jugad doesn’t work here 😀
@anirush kinda 😛
@Himank that may be a software problem but mine is hardware 🙂
LOL at the last pic… 😀
Hey, I forgot to uncheck the follow up comments thing and its freaking me out now. Can you do anything ?
lol @sanrag’s avatar.
@Sanrag lol at your avtar 😛
@Vishnu of course i can … and i have …
what’s wordpress got against me ? 🙁
@Sanrag Dude! Its not wordpress … it gravtar who has turned against you 😛
Did you try to implement the ibm trackpoint hack, it basicly makes the middle button a click and then when you move the mouse up or down it might scroll?
You can find the details here :
Normally meant for ThinkPad’s, but with some tampering in hal could maybe solve your problem
I ordered a mouse yesterday 🙁 Anyway will try that hack on my other PC.
I got a similar problem now… I cannot use the wheel click at all. In any program, game or feature in the entire PC. Happened today as I write, on the XP… tried 4 different mice, and did the same on the Win7 drive as well. Same problem there. Motherboard problem or…?
I tried to *disect* the mouse, and nuttins wrong. So what to do?