Never ever screw your friend list

I have been using Kopete instant messenger since almost 2.5 years now. Never faced a problem with anything and it support all IM servers like yahoo, gtalk, irc etc. But one fine day (when, I don’t know. Probably a few months ago), I mistakenly put Hemant Verma‘s (a student at IIIT Allahabad) name in Vishnu Fafat‘s (a student at IIIT Hyderabad) contact address in my friend list as shown in the image below.

Kopete Address Book

Since then I was talking to Hemant Verma as if I was talking to Vishnu Fafat. Hemant (or Vishnu 😛 ) used to put links in his status message like “Checkout ” and related things to IIIT Allahabad. I was totally confused about his status messages.

One day (in the beginning of this semester), I asked this

Kopete Message Window

I was shocked. Rawat sir will not allow proxies and attendance is compulsory at IIIT Hyderabad. I thought Vishnu Fafat has gone crazy and will end up screwing his course 😐

The other day, he asked me this

Kopete Message Window

I said somani knows all this stuff as if I would have said to Vishnu Fafat because he’ll know somani. Hemant got a bit confused but he happened to know  Ajay Somani because he also takes part in programming contests.

I remember another incident when he asked me for suggestions about the site . I thought this guy Vishnu has gone mad. Why the heck he would ask for suggestions about a IIIT Allahabad site provided he is a IIIT Hyderabad student? But I didn’t care.

And the final incident happened today as shown

Kopete Message Window

Vishnu said he developed that site from scratch. I was almost mad because of two reasons

  1. Why Vishnu will design a IIIT Allahabad website?
  2. Why IIIT Allahabad will ever give complete access to a IIIT Hyderabad student to their main website?

I was totally mad at this. But I couldn’t say anything to Vishnu (or Hemant). Accidentally I checked his name in the friend list and in the pop up kinda thing, I saw Hemant Verma (refer to the first picture in the post) and I was like WTF!!!!

While writing this post, I thought I’ll search my Gmail Chat History and I found that I was talking to Hemant Verma as Vishnu Fafat since 26th February, 2008. See below.

Gmail Chat History

I am already not able to remember people’s name/face relationships and then incidents like this totally blow my mind 🙁